Business Meeting Traps

Have you ever sat in a meeting with thoughts to escape? Long hours of discussions which are going on and on and without beginning or end while work remains undone…? How long are you ready to be nonproductive and to suffer because of poor meeting management?

As a fact and a possible solution, more than a decade ago, Allen Bluedorn, a professor at the University of Missouri, conducted a study on ‘stand-up meetings’ (which is also called the ‘morning roll-call’) and concluded that they were about 34 percent shorter than sit-down meetings, yet produced the same solutions.

But would you be ready to stand up and do these kind of morning exercise or do you find it too extreme and need other tips for the efficient, effective meetings?

Here are 5 simple steps of being a Superman on Daily Meetings.

  1. Agenda

Without an agenda, meetings can easily turn into aimless social gatherings rather than productive working sessions. Make sure that a meeting is not a place to play in Threes or chanting in Tinder. People come here for a real talk about business tasks.

  1. Kill experts inside

Make sure that people are respectful for all opinions and managers give an opportunity for their team to share their own ideas. Be patient with all crazy ideas because they sometimes are drivers of innovations.

  1. There is safety in numbers (No.)

Think twice before yanking your colleagues away from their desks. And if you find yourself getting roped into too many meetings, hone your ability to say no.

  1. Don’t agree with your boss (Yes.)

Many business leaders want to see their employees are agreeing with what they have to say. They scan the meeting looking for acceptance. Do not yield to. If you are the boss, promote fairness for your employees.

  1. ‘Yes, and…’

The answer is always ‘yes, and…’ and never ‘no, but…’ Keep things positive and ideas flowing by not shouting down initial proposals.


Additional information

Some Apple and Google Tips for Business Meetings


  • Every project component or task has a “DRI”.

Apple breeds accountability at meetings by having a Directly Responsible Individual whose name appears next to all of the agenda items they are responsible for.

  • Be prepared to challenge and be challenged.

If a person has no ideas to defend, they shouldn’t be at the meeting.

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  • All meetings should have a clear decision maker.

Google VP of Business Operations Kristen Gil credits this approach to helping the Google+ team ship over 100 new features in the 90 days after launch.

  • No more than ten people at a meeting.

“Attending meetings isn’t a badge of honor”, she writes.

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